5 Ancient Discoveries That Prove Modern Men Are Sexist

It is a known fact that when it came to things like sports, and conquering countries, it is widely believed, and accepted, that it was men who did most of the conquering and fighting. However, archeologists are starting to dispute these believes because they are finding proof that men and women may have been equal long before Women’s Lib came along. Here are some examples to prove that modern men are sexist because women played much bigger roles than they were given credit for.
1. Female Gladiators Did Exist

Everyone saw the Russell Crowe movie called Gladiator, but the movie does paint a one sided image of what it was like to be a gladiator in Ancient Rome. However, gladiators were often volunteers who wanted to fight in front of the audience, and records show that women fought as much as men did.

Anyone that has ever seen cave painting as assumed that they were created by men who used the painting as Stone Age bragging. However, archaeologists have discovered that it was really the cave women who created these remarkable cave paintings, and they figured it out from some hand shapes they have found. Apparently, the shapes of the fingers were quite different for ancient man and woman.

So, are modern men sexist? The answer is yes because it’s clear that women did play a bigger role in history other than cooking, cleaning, and making babies, and it’s cool to know that women could fight too and hold their own in battle.

2. Women Were Samurai Warriors

Japanese women were only thought of as painted Geishas, but the fact is they fought for the protection of the land just as often as men. When archeologists found the graves of samurai warriors, DNA testing showed that at least 33 percent of those that died in the epic samurai battle were women.

3. Amazon Women Warriors Were Real

When anyone hears the term Amazon woman warrior, the first image they get is of Wonder Woman. However, archaeologists have found that a race of women warriors did exist, and they were just as good as fighting as male warriors.

4. Viking Women Contributed to Viking Society

Vikings that pillaged are often thought of as men while the women were at home roasting boar and caring for their babies, but that is not entirely accurate. Records show that Viking women were just as important to society as their husbands were, and did far more than just cook and care for their children.

5. Cave Women Created Cave Paintings

Anyone that has ever seen cave painting as assumed that they were created by men who used the painting as Stone Age bragging. However, archaeologists have discovered that it was really the cave women who created these remarkable cave paintings, and they figured it out from some hand shapes they have found. Apparently, the shapes of the fingers were quite different for ancient man and woman.

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